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The Uplifting Tale of the Mino Warriors

If you don’t know where you come from, you surely won’t know where you’re headed

Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe
4 min readNov 2, 2020
Courtesty of Pinterest

Tormented by the world’s shame on my skin color,
I embarked on a quest for truth
Only to stumble on tales of victors,
Of martyrs who paved way for my truth
Of ancestors with mighty valor
And as more details came to light,
I made an oath to right the wrongs
To rectify the omissions, redirect the plight
Of my beloved people

This is another tale of the Mino warriors of the Dahomey Kingdom. It has been a while since I came back with another piece from “What I wish I would have learned in school”, a series intended to shed light on the understated-rich African heritage. Oftentimes, Africa is depicted as a poor-destitute landmass when in reality it is an abundant-resourceful continent.

I believe that this predominantly stems from long periods of systemic oppression that degrades a healthy self-image.



Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe
Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe

Written by Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe

Faith & Life Ambassador, Quadrilingual, Visionary, Writer, Adventurer

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