What Is Nearest to You?
What motivates you?
Genuine transformation is birthed with the inner desire to reframe your mind, paired with the resolving fire to endure the vicissitudes of life — which will certainly free you from your mental strife.
Inner reality quiets the looming uncertainty surrounding the soul’s journey to clarity. When lost, which will inevitably happen, seek the voice of reassurance — they call her serenity, and she will unquestionably appease your torment as you reconnect with Spirit in the present, for it is all we have before we transect to our eternal haven. Brave soul, cherish this gentle reminder of where you’re headed when you eject from this vestibule.
Grateful for the guidance and lessons — I am
Indeed blessed
Thanksgiving, my beloved name
May I tread
Heavenward, in sincerity and truth
May I find my way
Back to the anointed source that gifted me
This breath of sustenance
Praises to you, Almighty Essence
The force that never withers
My ultimate ether — I am that I am
Man thrives by the principles he holds dearly in his heart.
Thank you all for reading, and I sincerely hope all is well.